Repairs and Maintenance

Emergency Repairs

If you require an emergency repair, please telephone:

01743 874848 (Monday-Thursday, 09:00 – 17:00, Friday 09:00 – 16:30)

0300 303 1190 (at all other times and Bank Holidays)

There is no precise definition of an emergency repair but you should contact us immediately if:

  • a delay in repairing will mean you are unable to use an essential service, such as gas, electricity or water;
  • a delay in repairing will endanger you, your family or others, or;
  • a delay would cause further damage to your home.

If the ‘out of hours’ service is used and the work was not an emergency, you may be required to pay the additional costs of arranging an emergency response.

Other Repairs:

Repairs which are not considered to be an emergency must be reported to us as soon as possible:

By telephone: (during office hours) on 01743 874848

By e-mail: use this repairs reporting link and complete the repairs request form. It is important that you provide us with detailed contact information so that, if necessary, we can clarify what work is required or can arrange access to carry out the works.