About Us
Leave a Bequest
Land and money are vital if we are to be able to do our work: if you are able to help with either, it would be greatly appreciated and make a real difference.
If you have land which you are able to donate, or to sell to us at a reasonable price, we’d be delighted to hear from you.
Our housing schemes typically take up less than one acre so please contact us if you have any land which may be suitable for a small development of affordable housing to meet local needs.
Where there is evidence of housing need in a village or rural area, it may be possible for us to obtain planning permission on land which is outside of the development boundary: if you are uncertain about whether your land might be developed for affordable housing, please speak to us and we will be happy to assist.
The only source of revenue funding we have is from the rents we charge on our homes.
These rents are regulated by the government and are at levels that are affordable to those in low-paid employment.
It may be possible for us to obtain capital grants to assist with the costs of providing new homes but these grants only cover a proportion of the total costs: the balance of the costs is met by loans from financial institutions which must be repaid from the rents we receive.
Any donations or bequests to assist with the cost of building new homes, or to help us meet our running costs, would be most welcome.
You can contact us by using this link: enquiries@shropshirerural.co.uk