I want to do Business with SRHA
I am a Property Developer
Shropshire Rural is committed to ‘providing the homes that help Shropshire’s rural communities thrive’. And our strategic plan 2017-2020, supplemented by our development strategy outlines how we go about providing homes in the right areas where there is a need for affordable housing in Shropshire.
There are various ways in which we provide affordable housing including “off the shelf” purchases and our own newbuild developments. However, one of the key avenues for developing new affordable housing is when we work in partnership with house builders to help deliver their obligations under Section 106 Agreements.
If you are a house builder and you are appraising sites in Shropshire, we would be keen to speak to you. In an ideal world, we would be involved from the outset when you are making initial enquiries about the site, but even is planning permission has already been granted, please get in touch using the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.